Jenis Enjin | 4 lejang, penyejukan udara, SOHC |
Gerek X Lejang | 51.0 mm X 55.2 mm |
Anjakan Omboh | 113 cm³ |
Nisbah Mampatan | 9.5 : 1 |
Karburetor | MIKUNI VM18 |
Sistem Penghidup | Tendang - Smash V115 Elektrik & tendang - Smash V115 SD/SCD |
Sistem Pelinciran | Takungan pelincir basah |
Klac | Otomatik, jenis "wet-shoe" |
Sistem Pemacuan | RK-M 428, 102 mata rantai |
Suspensi Depan | Teleskopik, spring lingkaran, perendam minyak |
Suspensi Belakang | Lengan ayun, spring lingakaran, perendam minyak |
Brek Depan | Brek Dram - Smash V115 Brek Cakera - Smash V115 SD/SCD |
Brek Belakang | Brek Dram |
Saiz Tayar Depan | 70/90 - 17 M/C 38P |
Saiz Tayar Belakang | 80/90 - 17 M/C 44P |
Jenis Penyalaan | Digital DC-CDI |
Palam Pencucuh | DENSO: U20FS-U, NGK: C6HSA |
Bateri | 12V 10.8KC(3 AH) / 10HR - Smash V115 12V 18.0KC(5 AH) / 10HR - Smash V115 SD/SCD |
Tangki Petrol | 4.3 L |
Minyak Enjin | Tanpa penukaran penapis - 800 ml Dengan penukaran penapis - 1.000 ml |
Panjang Keseluruhan | 1,930 mm |
Lebar Keseluruhan | 655 mm |
Tinggi Keseluruhan | 1,040 mm |
Tapak Roda | 1,230 mm |
Berat Unit | 98 kg - Smash V115 103 kg - Smash V115 SD/SCD |
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Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Part 219 -Suzuki Smash V115 Specification... (",)
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Part 218 - World Amazing Roads n Streets... (",)

Swindon, England is the perhaps unfortunate location of the world’s most confusing intersection. To be fair, once understood this intersection is amazingly functional and actually designed to reduce overall congestion. However, it is certainly an urban wonder and highly perplexing to the uninitiated.

Buenos Aires, Argentina, features the widest avenue in the world. At over 300 feet wide, 9 de Julio Avenue occupies a gap of an entire block in the city grid, hence its incredible width. Crossing the avenue at street level often requires a few minutes, as all intersections have traffic lights. Under normal walking speed, it takes pedestrians normally two to three green lights to cross its twelve lanes of traffic.
Giza, Egypt has the oldest paved road in the world. Built over 4,600 years ago, this route connects an ancient basalt quarry to a lake adjoining the Nile. The basalt being transported was used in the construction of the great pyramids of Giza. Ancient Egyptians may have anticipated the pyramids lasting forever, but they might be surprised that this road still exists.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Part 217 - Unique Paddy Field At JApan ... (",)
One of the best things about living in Japan was the paddies fields. Japan doesn’t seem to go in for zoning laws, so one gets to see these tranquil oases - with rows of little green stalks sitting in peaceful blue floods, interrupted by occasional muddy footprints - dotted around the place, even in the center of large towns. Almost wherever you go in Japan you will be able to see the forest-covered mountains, great and small, near and far. Despite all this green, Japan doesn’t go in for the vast grassy parks and tree-lined streets common in Europe. Thus many Westerners comment on Japan’s lack of green, but there is green to be seen all around.
As the year goes around, you can watch the rice get planted and harvested; watch the rice slowly growing and smell the amazing perfume as vast fields of it ripen at once; watch the flooding, typhoons flattening fields and fields dried up again; watch the egrets, storks and less exotic birds flocking, following the tractors and feeding; watch the old couples quietly farming their fields in their ‘coolie’ gear; watch as the drying racks are assembled and the rice is hung. If you live in Japan for long enough, you start to tell the seasons by the rice.
Here are sample of unique paddy field at Japan, he3...