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Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Part 219 -Suzuki Smash V115 Specification... (",)

Jenis Enjin 4 lejang, penyejukan udara, SOHC
Gerek X Lejang 51.0 mm X 55.2 mm
Anjakan Omboh 113 cm³
Nisbah Mampatan 9.5 : 1
Karburetor MIKUNI VM18
Sistem Penghidup Tendang - Smash V115
Elektrik & tendang - Smash V115 SD/SCD
Sistem Pelinciran Takungan pelincir basah
Klac Otomatik, jenis "wet-shoe"
Sistem Pemacuan RK-M 428, 102 mata rantai
Suspensi Depan Teleskopik, spring lingkaran, perendam minyak
Suspensi Belakang Lengan ayun, spring lingakaran, perendam minyak
Brek Depan Brek Dram - Smash V115
Brek Cakera - Smash V115 SD/SCD
Brek Belakang Brek Dram
Saiz Tayar Depan 70/90 - 17 M/C 38P
Saiz Tayar Belakang 80/90 - 17 M/C 44P
Jenis Penyalaan Digital DC-CDI
Palam Pencucuh DENSO: U20FS-U, NGK: C6HSA
Bateri 12V 10.8KC(3 AH) / 10HR - Smash V115
12V 18.0KC(5 AH) / 10HR - Smash V115 SD/SCD
Tangki Petrol 4.3 L
Minyak Enjin Tanpa penukaran penapis - 800 ml
Dengan penukaran penapis - 1.000 ml
Panjang Keseluruhan 1,930 mm
Lebar Keseluruhan 655 mm
Tinggi Keseluruhan 1,040 mm
Tapak Roda 1,230 mm
Berat Unit 98 kg - Smash V115
103 kg - Smash V115 SD/SCD


shahazrin said...

best juga nie..

Car Loan Calculator said...

How much for this suzuki smash V115??

Hasdin said...

MAKLUMAT YANG BAIK.RASA DALAM GARAGE JE...http://mykampong-hasdin.blogspot.com/2011/06/keputusan-penuh-malaysia-vs-lubnan.html

zoekmachine optimalisatie said...

One of the best by Suzuki and design is awesome.

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nice post

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Suzki Smash V115 model modified product is very good. his previous version no one like.stylish is old. No new model is awesome.

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SyukranBiz.Com said...
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SyukranBiz.Com said...
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Anonymous said...

Memang hebat power selesa dan berbaloi amat2 sangat.Dah pakai br tau.Tahniah smash v115.
murah dan hebat.Puas hati.

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I like suzuki all the product. quality and price wise is very cheap compare to other product.

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